Lasso Granger |
Lasso-Granger is an efficient algorithm for learning the temporal dependency among multiple time series based on variable selection using Lasso. Reference: A. Arnold, Y. Liu, and N. Abe. Temporal causal modeling with graphical Granger methods. In KDD, 2007. |
Code: lassoGranger.m |
Copula-Granger |
Copula-Granger extends the power of Lasso-Granger to non-linear datasets. It uses the copula technique to separate the marginal properties of the joint distribution from its dependency structure. Reference: Y. Liu, M. T. Bahadori, and H. Li, “Sparse-GEV: Sparse Latent Space Model for Multivariate Extreme Value Time Series Modeling“, ICML 2012. |
Code: copulaGranger.m |
Granger Causality for Irregular Time Series |
The Generalized Lasso Granger is designed to discover the Granger causality relationship among irregular time series; times series whose samples are not recorded on regularly spaced timestamps. Reference: M. T. Bahadori and Yan Liu, “Granger Causality Analysis in Irregular Time Series”, SDM 2012. |
Code: iLasso.m |
Forward-Backward Granger Causality |
Forward-backward Granger causality utilizes both the original time series and the time-reversed (backward) time series for temporal dependence discovery. It provides more robust temporal dependence structure estimation than lasso Granger when the length of time series is short. Reference: D. Cheng, M. T. Bahadori, and Y. Liu, “FBLG: A Simple and Effective Approach for Temporal Dependence Discovery from Time Series Data”. In KDD, 2014. |
Code: |
Granger Graphical Models for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series |
Extensions of Granger graphical models are developed to detect anomalies in temporal dependence in multivariate time series data. Reference: H. Qiu, Y. Liu, N. Subrahmanya, W. Li. Granger Graphical Models for Time-Series Anomaly Detection. In International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM’ 2012), 2012. |
Code: |
Transfer-accelerated, importance weighted consistent active learning (TIWCAL) |
Extension of a theoretically sound online active learner to transfer learning and domain adaptation settings. Reference: D. Kale and Y. Liu. Accelerating Active Learning with Transfer Learning, ICDM 2013. Slides. |
Code: MeladyTransferIWCAL.tar.gz See github repository for the latest version. |
Hierarchical Active Transfer Learning (HATL) |
Active transfer learning framework that leverages shared cluster structure and feedback from active label queries to perform effective adaptive transfer learning. Reference: D. Kale, M. Ghazvininejad, A. Ramakrishna, J. He, and Y. Liu. Hierarchical Active Transfer Learning, SDM 2015. |
Code: MeladyHATL.tar.gz See github repository for the latest version. |
Greedy Low-Rank Tensor Learning |
Greedy forward and orthogonal low rank tensor learning algorithms for multivariate spatiotemporal analysis tasks, including cokring and forecasting tasks. Reference: T. Bahadori, R. Yu and Y. Liu. Fast Multivariate Spatiotemporal Analysis via Low Rank Tensor Learning , NIPS 2014. |
Code: |
SPALS: Leverage Scores Sampling Tensor ALS |
Apply the leverage score sampling to greatly accelerate each step of the ALS algorithm for Tensor CP decomposition. Reference: Dehua Cheng, Richard Peng, Ioakeim Perros, and Yan Liu, SPALS: Fast Alternating Least Squares via Implicit Leverage Scores Sampling, NIPS 2016. |
Code: SPALS |